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Tip: There are separate limits for concentrates and non-concentrates. I am a medical patient or caregiver.
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Malibu Pure Kush 5-Pack
Tres Leches Whole Flower
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Cannabis-infused mints, tinctures, tablets and more. All-natural, full-spectrum
Now Available in
"Finally can get a good night's sleep. The Extra-Strength Nighttime Tablets are so great for insomnia. I usually only need one to go to sleep in about 30min. Just a sweet gradual relaxing feeling of naturally being tired."
via“Cannabis has helped me with my depression and anxiety. I love that you’ve created a product that as a runner I can take without risking my lung power.”
– Jamie“I have found the Cinnamon Relief Tincture perfect for knocking my pain level down a notch or two. Easy to use, can go anywhere, and tastes good as well."
– Don"Breez Mints are my go to edible: discreet, easy to travel with, taste great and get you where you need to go!”
– JP“Hey all! Just wanted to say how much I love and appreciate Breez! I work as a budtender and everyday I have patients ask me for recommendations. You guys have been my number one go-to. So many people have found relief from your product, it really is amazing.”
– Tyler"Sure glad I found these little micro-dosed mints. I can manage my day much better feeling uplifted in mood and relaxed in body. The perfect chill pill and nap-enhancer!"
– Amanda"Now I'm an old lady and I have a new pain or flippin' ailment every other month. With Breez Citrus CBD Tincture the pain is tolerable and I can function daily with a nice calming head-float. Plus it's like a sour gummy worm in your mouth. Yum!”
– Mitchy“I don’t know where I’d be without Breez Extra-Strength Tablets. They save me so much money and last so long. I share them with everyone!”
via Instagram"Hallelujah! Y'all have perfected safe journeys with THC. The Extra-Strength Tablets are game-changers. I’m on hybrid right now and it's an absolutely excellent, superb, smooth, functional, zero-panic, zero-anxiety, long, long joyride.”
– Lin“I get whomped by edibles normally, but Breez is so tiny that I was just in that perfect ‘soccer-mom-doing-a-shimmy’ zone.”
– Liz“Recently after my 4th major surgery in the past two years, my pain doctor asked me if I’d be willing to try cannabis products. After moving to California and having used your Breez Royal Mints for a few months, I have been able to get off all 12 of oral meds I was taking, and I just started reducing my implanted morphine pump dose too.”
– Eric"I purchased Berry Daytime Tincture and my first experience was phenomenal: an almost immediate high, coasting through my day's tasks, clear-headed and at ease.”
via Instagram“This might be TMI but Breez totally cured my period cramps!”
– Tiffany“I no longer smoke; I’m on Breez Mints. Two Royal Mints and anxiety: gone, depression: nope, pain: gone, wrinkles: smoothed, and life feels good for a few hours."
– Thia"If it's been a long day and I still can't sleep, I pop one Extra-Strength Indica tablet and melt into relaxation within 20 minutes. These are just a good wellness option to have in your cabinet when you need to de-stress."
– Daniel